117865, 117874, 117877: Integrated Mentoring and Coaching

Click here to view the course details on the SAQA website: 117865, 117874, 117877

NQF Level:

4, 5, 3



Registration Price:

R 660 to be paid upon registration

Certification & Exam Price:

R 6600 to be paid before examination

Topics Covered

Chapter 1: Prepare for coaching (on-the-job training)

Chapter 2: Conduct the training sessions

Chapter 3: Monitor and report on learner progress

Chapter 4: Review training

Chapter 5: Mentoring and learner guidance in different environments

Chapter 6: Identify the nature of a learner's needs and the assistance, support and guidance necessary

Chapter 7: The learning contract - a mentoring agreement and individual development plan

Chapter 8: Provide guidance, support and assistance

Chapter 9: Maintain records of support and guidance provided

Chapter 10: Review and evaluate services provided

This course is part of the following qualifications that we offer:

  1. Fundamental 96372 - Occupational Certificate: Career Development Information Officer Level 5, 120 Credits
  2. Fundamental 97154 - Occupational Certificate: Occupational Trainer Level 4, 124 Credits
  3. Fundamental 97542 - Occupational Certificate: Early Childhood Development Practitioner Level 4, 131 Credits
  4. Fundamental 97691 - Occupational Certificate: Community Development Practitioner Level 5, 212 Credits