97708: Community Development Worker

NQF Level:




Registration Price:

N/A to be paid upon registration

Certification & Exam Price:

N/A to be paid before examination

Topics Covered

Chapter 1: Concepts and perspectives in community development theory

Chapter 2: Dimensions of sustainable development

Chapter 3: Concepts and approaches relating to sustainable livelihood

Chapter 4: Principles and concepts of community wellbeing

Chapter 5: Legislative frameworks and community development

Chapter 6: Ethical and practical principles of community development

Chapter 7: Principles and methods of data collection for community development purposes

Chapter 8: Principles and concepts of community-based planning

Chapter 9: Integrated community project management

Chapter 10: Social and cultural dynamics

Chapter 11: Leadership, power, and team roles

Chapter 12: Structures within community development

Chapter 13: Forums and meetings in community development work

Chapter 14: Networks, partnerships, and participatory citizenship

Chapter 15: Execute own personal development

This course is part of the following qualifications that we offer:

  1. Core 97708 - Occupational Certificate: Community Development Worker Level 4, 150 Credits