94598_02: Management for library assistants

NQF Level:




Registration Price:

N/A to be paid upon registration

Certification & Exam Price:

N/A to be paid before examination

Topics Covered

Chapter 1: Supervision

Chapter 2: Marketing and Client Liaison

Chapter 3: Providing Customer Care to Library Users

Chapter 4: Problem Solving

Chapter 5: Communication Skills

Chapter 6: Library Administration

Chapter 7: Management of Library Services and Activities

Chapter 8: Supervisory Control and Quality

Chapter 9: Coping with Change

Chapter 10: Staffing and Human Relations

Chapter 11: Management of Time

Chapter 12: Library Finances

Chapter 13: Computer Literacy

This course is part of the following qualifications that we offer:

  1. Core 94598 - Occupational Certificate: Library Assistant Level 5, 127 Credits